21 June 2010

[TRICK] Google Talk essential tricks

Hey all u Gtalk users.....take a look at these tricks necessary 4 every gtlak user to knoe--

1. Desktop Shortcuts to Contacts

Probably the quickest way for a chat with a GTalk buddy. Using this method, you can create a desktop icon. When clicked, this icon will directly open a chat window where you can chat with ur friend.

Just right click on your desktop and go to New > Shortcut and type gtalk:chat?jid=username@gmail.com.
To initiate a quick call, use the shortcut gtalk:call?jid=username@gmail.com
where username should be replaced by your buddy’s GTalk ID.

Sorry,,bt this will only work in Windows XP,not in Vista

2. Formatting text in Chat window

Did you know that you can format text on Google Talk even though there are no visible buttons present for that purpose. You can do basic formatting in Google Talk like making the text bold, italic and underline. To make the text bold, just enclose it within *asterisks* and to make it italic, just enclose it within _underscores_

3. Be alwayz idle

There’s no way to control you can control your Idle Status on Google Talk. But, if you can install gAlwaysIdle, you can choose to remain either ‘Always Idle’ or ‘Never Idle’. Just by right clicking on the Google Talk system tray icon, you can make use of these idle options.

download it from here-- http:/ / ww w.killertechtips. com/2009/03/25/ download-galwaysidle/ ----->remove d spaces

4.Keyboard Shortcuts

1. CTRL + Mousewheel up/down: It will change the font size in a conversation window.
2. CTRL + E: Center text
3. CTRL + R: Right justify text
4. CTRL + L: Left justify text
5. F11: Start a call
6. F12: Stop the call
7. ESC: Close the current window

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